McMillan Nursery School

Headteacher: Ms Cathy Stokes

Railway Street, Nelson, Lancashire,
Entrance on Brunswick Street, Nelson

01282 612709

First Aid

  • At least one member of staff with current first aid training is on the premises at any one time.
  •  First Aid Kits: Our first Aid Kits comply with the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 and British Standard – BS 8599-1:2011 as recommended by the HSE First Aid at Work, INDG214(rev2), published 05/14
  • We record all first aid incidents and inform you if your child has had an incident/accident. We will also give you a letter if you child receives a bump to the head, for signs to look out for.   

Administration of Medicine

Nearest Location of Defibrillators 

Railway Street, Nelson, Lancashire,
Entrance on Brunswick Street, Nelson

01282 612709