Staff & Governors
Mrs Joanne Perry - Teacher
Mrs Pilkington - Teaching Assistant
Miss Sadaf - Teaching Assistant..
Ms Tsantarlioti Site Supervisor
McMillan Nursery School Staff Information
Ms Stokes: BSc Hons, PGCE, NPQH DSL Designated teacher for looked after children |
Teacher Staff |
Ms Bowden: BA Hons, PGCE Back Up DSL SENCO
Mrs Perry: BSc Hons, PGCE
Teaching Assistant Level 3 Teaching Assistant Level 2
Mrs Taylor, Mrs Sajid, Miss Sadaf Mrs Ashraf, Mrs Pilkington |
School Amdmin Officer
Miss Shah
Site Supervisor |
Ms Tsantarlioti |
g Children Procedures.
Qualified Paediatric First Aiders
Miss Sadaf | Mrs Ashraf | Mrs Taylor |
Mrs Pilkington | Mrs Sajid | Miss Hayat |
Qualified Emergency First Aiders
Mrs Ashraf
Mrs Sajid
Miss Hayat
McMillan Nursery School Governing Body
The school has a Governing Body made up of ten stakeholders including parents, staff, community and Local Authority representatives. The Governing Body has a legal responsibility for the Nursery School. The Governors work with the Headteacher to set the vision and strategic aims and to monitor and evaluate performance. The Governors are actively involved in the school and regularly attend to observe/ support visits and share in our celebrations such as Concerts, Eid, Christmas etc. They are keen to hear your views and opinions of the school. Please feel free to approach them either in person when they are in school or by email to
All Governors have annual safeguarding training and understand their role they have in Safeguarding at McMillan Nursery School. All Governors have read and understood KCSIE 2022.
The Parent Governors are parents of the children attending the school at the time of appointment. They are chosen by the majority of votes made by parents. All parents of children in School are eligible as parent Governors. There are three Governors meetings annually, one each School term, which are held in School. There are also additional committee meetings each term.
Staff Governors are elected by staff, Local Authority representatives are elected by Lancashire County Council and Co-opted Governors are elected by the Governing Body based on their skills and attributes relevant to the School.
If you are interested about finding out more about the Governing Body, please speak to the Headteacher or the Chair of Governors
Governor's report to parents 2017-2018
Category of Governor | Name | Date appointed | End date |
Chair Vice Chair
Mrs Ruth Thompson Mrs Claire Whitehead Mrs Tara Warbrick |
29/11/22 29/11/22 29/11/22 |
29/11/23 29/11/23 29/11/23 |
Co-Opted Governor
Ruth Thompson Claire Whitehead Tara Warbrick Vacancy Vacancy
30/06/21 06/07/22 06/07/22
29/06/25 05/07/26 05/07/26
Staff Governor |
Mrs Sumera Sajid |
13.12.21 |
12.12.25 |
Parent Governors |
Dr Zeeshan Ali Syed
Local Authority Governor
Cathy Stokes
01/01/20 N/A |
Meetings Attended x=attended Obs=observing Apol=apologies received Ab=Absent no contact
Name | 15.11.22 | 15.11.22 | 29.11.22 | 29.03.23 | 29.03.23 | 29.03.23 | 17.05.23 | 17.05.23 | 05.07.2023 |
TLS | Res | F.G.B | TLS | Res | F.G.B | Res | TLS | F.G.B | |
R.Thompson | Apol | Apol | x | x | x | x | x | x | x |
S.Wicks | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | Apol |
C.Whitehead | x | x | x | x | x | x | Apol | Apol | x |
T.Warabrick | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | Apol |
S.Sajid | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x |
C.Stokes | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x |
Name | 11.10.2023 | 11.10.2023 | 06.12.2023 | 31.01.2024 | 31.01.2024 | 13.03.24 | 03.07.2024 | 04.12.2024 | |
TLS | Res | F.G.B | TLS | Res | F.G.B | F.G.B | F.G.B | ||
R .Thompson | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | |
C. Whitehead | x | x | x | Apol | Apol | x | x | x | |
T. Warabrick | Apol | Apol | x | x | x | Ab | Ab | x | |
S. Sajid | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | Apol | |
C. Stokes | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | |
Z Syed | x | Apol | Apol | x | Ab | Ab | |||
F Bickerstaffe | x |
Register of Interests
None of the Governor's have any financial interests that could be detrimental to the Nursery School
Governor Name | Name of Business | Nature of Business | Nature of Interest | Date Appointed | Date of Cessation | |
Mrs Ruth Thompson |
Ightenhill Nursey School |
Education | Governor | 30.06.21 | 29.06.25 | |
Mrs Claire Whitehead | Ightenhill Nursery School | Education | Staff | 06.07.22 | 05.07.26 | |
Miss Tara Warbrick | Park Primary School | Education | Staff | 06.07.22 | 06.07.22 | |
Mrs Sumera Sajid | None | None | None | 13.12.21 | 12.12.25 | |
Ms Cathy Stokes | None | None | None | 01.01.20 | 31.12.23 | |
Mr Zeeshan Ali Syed | None | None | Parent | 06.12.23 | 05.12.27 | |
Committee Structure
Admissions Committee | Pay Committee |
Ms Cathy Stokes | Mrs T warbrick |
Vacancy |
Vacancy |
Vacancy |
Complaints/ Appeals Committee | Teaching, Learning & Standards Committee |
Any three untainted Governors | Ms Ruth Thompson |
Ms Cathy Stokes | |
Appraisal Committee | Mrs Claire Whitehead (Vice) |
Mrs Ruth Thompson | Miss Tara Warbrick (Chair) |
Mrs Claire Whitehead | |
Vacancy | |
Nominated Governors | Resources Committee (Chair to be elected at Autumn FGB 2022) |
School Improvement Priority 1 - Commuincation & Langauge -Claire Whitehead | Miss Tara Warbrick - Chair |
School Improvement Priority 2 - SEND - Miss Tara Warbrick | Vacancy |
School Improvement Priority 3 - Quality of Teaching - Mrs Ruth Thompson | Ms Cathy Stokes |
School Improvment Priority 4 - Governors - Mrs Sumera Sajid | Mrs Claire Whitehead - (Vice) |
Wellbeing - Mrs Sumera Sajid | Mrs Sumera Sajid |
E-Safety & Website - Ms Tara Warbrick | Ms Ruth Thompson |
SEND - Miss Tara Warbrick | |
EYPP/Vulnerable - Mrs R Thompson & Mrs Claire Whitehead | |
Health & Safety - Mrs R Thompson & Vacancy | Staffing Review |
Attendance - vacancy | Vacancy |
Child Protection and Safeguarding/Prevent - Mrs Claire Whitehead & Mrs R Thompson | Mrs R Thompson |
Training - Mrs R Thompson | |
Staff Discipline and Dismissal/Appeals | |
Staffing: Vacancy, Ms Cathy Stokes | Any 3 untainted Governors |
Railway Street, Nelson, Lancashire,
Entrance on Brunswick Street, Nelson
01282 612709