McMillan Nursery School

Headteacher: Ms Cathy Stokes

Railway Street, Nelson, Lancashire,
Entrance on Brunswick Street, Nelson

01282 612709

Skill of the Half Term

Every half-term we focus on a new self-help skill. Please can you practice it with your child at home.  

At the end of each half term, we will give your child a certificate so you can see how well they have done with this skill.

Autumn 1 - Tidying away toys

Our focus this half term is to tidy away toys, after we have finished playing with them and putting them in the correct place.

Please can you encourage your child to tidy up their toys at home, after they have finished playing with them.


Autumn 2 - Putting on our coat

Our focus this half term is for children to independently put on their coat. We would like our school leavers to also be able to do up their zip. Please can you encourage your child to put on their own coat at home.  


Spring 1 - Putting on hats, gloves and shoes

Our skill this half term, is to practise putting on hats and shoes. We would like our school leavers to also be able to put on their gloves. Please can you practise with your child at home.

Spring 2 - Pouring and Drinking from a cup 

This half term, our skill is  drinking from a cup without spilling. We would like our school leavers to be able to pour their own drink into a cup. Please can you practice this skill with your child at home.


Summer 1 - Hand Washing 

This half term’s skill is to use these 5 steps to wash their own hands.

  • Push up sleeves.
  • Use an appropriate amount of soap.
  • Spend an appropriate amount of time washing hands.
  • Rinse off soap.
  • Dry hands.


Please practise with your child at home.


Summer 2 - Using Cutlery

This half term, if you could practise with your child, using cutlery to eat with at mealtimes.  We would like our younger children to use either a fork or spoon. We would like our school leavers to use a knife too. This will be an especially useful skill, for the school leavers,  if they go on to have school dinners.


Railway Street, Nelson, Lancashire,
Entrance on Brunswick Street, Nelson

01282 612709