McMillan Nursery School

Headteacher: Ms Cathy Stokes

Railway Street, Nelson, Lancashire,
Entrance on Brunswick Street, Nelson

01282 612709

Home Learning/Remote Learning 


To help you continue your child's learning at home;

We share our core stories, makaton signs and poetry basket poems on the website so you can watch them with your child. 

The weekly newsletter informs you of our wonderful word of the week, focus song and other activities the children will be doing at Nursery. Suggestions for 'talk time' are given for you and your child along with skills you can practise at home.

Children will bring a new library book home once a week.

We ask you to share what you have been learning at home with us, or share any speical events, by adding photos to Tapestry so we can talk to your child about it.  

Each half term, we suggest a homework project for you to do with your child i.e. Autumn project; you could go on an Autumn, walk, make a leaf collage or do some apple printing. You can either show us what you have done on tapestry or bring what you have done/made into nursery so we can celebrate it with your child. Each child that completes the project, will be awarded a homework project certficate.



 Useful links for home learning/remote leanring:

Help children aged 2 to 4 to learn at home: coronavirus (COVID-19) - GOV.UK (

Children's books and reading tips | BookTrust 

Try out this fun body percussion video for this week's phonics activity.

Railway Street, Nelson, Lancashire,
Entrance on Brunswick Street, Nelson

01282 612709